I Hear Thunder
Nursery Rhyme I Hear Thunder with Lyrics and Music

The nursery rhyme I hear Thunder is the perfect song to sing when it is thunder and lightning. Try to explain to the kids that thunder and lightning can be frightening, but not dangerous if they are at home or in a safe place. But tell them that they never must go bathing outdoor during a thunderstorm.
This song has the same tune as the good old rhyme Where is Thumbkin?.
Tip: Ask the kids what they think I Hear Thunder is. Do they understand it is a egg? :)
Don't you remember the I Hear Thunder tune? It has the same tune as the good old rhyme Where is Thumbkin. You can listen to "I Hear Thunder" at the bottom of this page. Lucky for you...
I hear thunder!
Hark don't you,
hark don't you?
Pitter, patter raindrops,
Pitter patter raindrops,
I'm wet through
and so are you!
Alternative version:
I hear thunder!
I hear thunder!
Oh! don't you? Oh! don't you?
Pitter, patter raindrops,
Pitter, patter raindrops,
I'm wet through!
I'm wet through!
It's time to listen to I Hear Thunder! Click the play icon below and sing and dance along.