Alphabet Nursery Rhymes

Alphabet rhymes and nursery rhymes about letters are perfect for learning the alphabet. They make it more fun, and also easier for the kids. So use the rhymes below when working with the alphabet wit your kids. The rhymes can also be used without focusing on learning, just for fun...
Recommended Nursery Rhymes About Letters/The Alphabet:
A, You're Adorable | Cute song about the alphabet. |
ABC Song | Popular Alphabet song that illustrates each letter with different objects. |
Alphabet Song | This is the classical Alphabet Song. The children simply love it. |
Animal Alphabet Song | Alphabet song that is popular among the children. 27 different animals. |
Apple Pie ABC | A classic ABC-song that is great for learning the letters. |
Apple Pie ABC Short Version | A shorter version of Apple Pie ABC. |