Horsey Horsey
Nursery Rhyme Horsey Horsey with Lyrics and Music

Children (especially girls) love horses! So what is better than singing a nursery rhyme about these beautiful animals? In Horsey Horsey you will find sounds like "clippety-clop" and "swish". Let the children try to sing these sounds. It is great language training and also great fun.
Tips: Why not let the children "trot" like horses while singing this song? Babies/infants can "ride" on your lap while you are singing. They will love it - trust us! Enjoy!
Don't you remember the Horsey Horsey tune? No problem at all! You can listen to "Horsey Horsey" at the bottom of this page. Lucky for you...
Horsey Horsey - Lyrics
Horsey horsey don't you stop
Just let your feet go clippety-clop
Your tail goes swish and the wheels go round
Giddy up, we're homeward bound.
We`re not in a hustle, we`re not in a bustle
Don't go tearing up the road
We`re not in a hurry, we`re not in a flurry
And we don`t have a very heavy load.
Horsey horsey don't you stop
Just let your feet go clippety clop
Your tail goes swish and the wheels go round
Giddy up, we're homeward bound.
Just let your feet go clippety-clop
Your tail goes swish and the wheels go round
Giddy up, we're homeward bound.
We`re not in a hustle, we`re not in a bustle
Don't go tearing up the road
We`re not in a hurry, we`re not in a flurry
And we don`t have a very heavy load.
Horsey horsey don't you stop
Just let your feet go clippety clop
Your tail goes swish and the wheels go round
Giddy up, we're homeward bound.
Horsey Horsey Music/Video
It's time to listen to Horsey Horsey! Click the play icon below and sing and dance along.
YOUR Experiences With Horsey Horsey
How and when do YOU use the nursery rhyme Horsey Horsey? Have you made your own version? Or maybe your own dance? Please tell us all about it! :)