Nursery rhymes with lyrics and music.

Frère Jacques

Nursery Rhyme Frère Jacques with Lyrics and Music

Frère Jacques - Nursery rhyme - Music, tune and lyrics

"Frère Jacques" is the original, French version of the popular nursery rhyme called "Brother John" in English.

This nursery rhyme from about year 1780 has become a true classic. Frère Jacques is among the most popular nursery rhymes in the world, and it is translated into several languages.

But let's sing the original version today! Are you ready?

Don't you remember the Frère Jacques tune? Don't worry! You can listen to "Frère Jacques" at the bottom of this page...

Frère Jacques - Lyrics
Frère Jacques, frère Jacques,
Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?
Sonnez les matines! Sonnez les matines!
Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong

Frère Jacques Music/Video

Press the play-icon to listen to the nursery rhyme "Frère Jacques".

YOUR Experiences With Frère Jacques
How and when do YOU use the nursery rhyme Frère Jacques? Please tell us about it :)